Put a Stop To Gibberish Email Addresses On All Forms & Web Pages.

Have you ever worried about how to stop random, useless, gibberish leads from getting into the list from online forms and web pages?

Worry no more as Clearout has enhanced the gibberish detection support in its JavaScript Widget.

What has to be done?

Once the code snippet is generated, you can configure the Gibberish email alert settings by adding the given field

block_gibberish_account: true

This update will help in the identification and removal of gibberish email addresses captured on your web pages/contact forms. Filter them out of your lists and avoid wasting valuable resources on them.

Do you want to find out more? Please email us at us@clearout.io or use our Live Chat to get in touch

Try now!

Clearout's Gibberish Email Address Alert!

Do you have problems with users signing up with a variety of random email addresses in order to abuse the system? Such random email addresses are known as gibberish email addresses.

These addresses may be valid, but they are not safe-to-send, and can have a significant impact on the email list quality and campaign results! ks1155058@gmail.com, ____yesh___@adobe.com, and so on.

Clearout has advanced to the elite level of accuracy by incorporating an additional validation check that identifies these gibberish email addresses. Filter them out to create an army of raving, engaged superfans from your list.

(Ssshhh: At Clearout, we used to get sign-ups from random email addresses with the intention of only using our free credits. That's when we decided to add this feature to improve data quality even more.)

*Currently available for bulk and instant API verification only.

Want to learn more? Email us at us@clearout.io or use our Live Chat to get in touch.

Did you know - A well-known web hosting service has been blacklisted!

Kerjamail, a popular web-hosting service, has been recently blacklisted! 

Reasons vary from multiple hard bounces due to poor email list hygiene to frequent spam complaints. 

Common Effects of Blacklisting: A further surge in bounce rate, damage to brand reputation resulting in a dip in open rates, and emails landing into spam folders.

Don't let the same happen to you.
Know more about email blacklisting and how to avoid it - Read Here 

Free Guide For An Effective Cold Email Outreach

Cold email is like a dart thrown in the dark. Sometimes it might hit and sometimes not.

However, it is important to make sure that you throw the dart in the right manner in order to maximize your chances of hitting the bull’s eye.

Here is a complete guide on ways to boost your cold email outreach.

Bonus: It comes with multiple cold email marketing templates😁

Regulate Email Verification Time With A Click

Waiting for an urgent campaign to be sent out?

Then why not retain valuable time by speeding up the email verification process!

Introducing the 'Email Verification Settings' that feature provides you major control over the time taken for a list to get verified.

A small change in your account settings can make your campaigns come a long way.

Try now!

Stronger Passwords For Safer Accounts

With the increased adoption of new technology, the risks of cyber threats have multiplied.

One of the most common ways that hackers break into online accounts is by guessing passwords. Simple and commonly used passwords enable intruders to easily gain access and take control over your accounts.

To avoid the same we have introduced stronger passwords as an additional security measure. We request all the Clearouters to update their current password to a stronger and unique one and avoid any unwanted intrusions.

You can update it either using forgot password or change password.

A More Refined Team-Building

The 'Admin' panel is now available as a separate tab in your Clearout account for better management of teams and members. The owner can assign the role of 'manager' or 'executive' to the team members, monitor their actions and edit them from a polished dashboard.

Try the improved Admin panel.

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