Free Guide For An Effective Cold Email Outreach

Cold email is like a dart thrown in the dark. Sometimes it might hit and sometimes not.

However, it is important to make sure that you throw the dart in the right manner in order to maximize your chances of hitting the bull’s eye.

Here is a complete guide on ways to boost your cold email outreach.

Bonus: It comes with multiple cold email marketing templates😁

Regulate Email Verification Time With A Click

Waiting for an urgent campaign to be sent out?

Then why not retain valuable time by speeding up the email verification process!

Introducing the 'Email Verification Settings' that feature provides you major control over the time taken for a list to get verified.

A small change in your account settings can make your campaigns come a long way.

Try now!

Stronger Passwords For Safer Accounts

With the increased adoption of new technology, the risks of cyber threats have multiplied.

One of the most common ways that hackers break into online accounts is by guessing passwords. Simple and commonly used passwords enable intruders to easily gain access and take control over your accounts.

To avoid the same we have introduced stronger passwords as an additional security measure. We request all the Clearouters to update their current password to a stronger and unique one and avoid any unwanted intrusions.

You can update it either using forgot password or change password.

A More Refined Team-Building

The 'Admin' panel is now available as a separate tab in your Clearout account for better management of teams and members. The owner can assign the role of 'manager' or 'executive' to the team members, monitor their actions and edit them from a polished dashboard.

Try the improved Admin panel.

Clearout JS Widget now verifies Custom forms too!!

Clearout JavaScript Widget has been improvised to perform email validation on custom forms thereby validating the emails at the point of capture, helps in highly qualified leads.

We have also added support to include Google reCAPTCHA (v3) that helps in stopping the abusers from the signup forms for multiple accounts.

Try the newly improved JS Widget here.

Precise key metrics readily available!

With the 'Analytics' feature you may visualise and download your email verification data to get a comprehensive “big picture” of the verifications done, bounce detected, cost saved and other related activity over certain periods of time. For team accounts(comes as a free upgrade for all), member-wise reports can also be downloaded to track individual performances.

These extensive reports make it possible to establish verification patterns, schedule campaigns making it easier to set future budgets.

Check the Usage Reports from here.

Clearout WP Plugin + WP Fluent Forms

Clearout WordPress plugin brings support for Fluent Forms. This helps to create hassle-free contact forms, subscription forms, or any kind of WP forms for the websites, in minutes.

Try Clearout Email Validator WordPress Plugin here.

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